毕业于法国洛林大学LCOMS实验室,长期从事振动控制、故障诊断与健康管理等领域研究工作,在信号处理、信息融合、容错控制等方面开展研究。已发表10余篇SCI/EI学术论文,其中包括4篇中科院一区/Top期刊论文;申报发明专利10余项,已授权发明专利6项;主持产学研项目1项、淮安市科技计划项目1项和横向项目1项等;指导学生参加全国互联网+技能竞赛一等奖4项,二等奖6项,淮安市创新创业竞赛三等奖1项;获江苏省“微课”竞赛(本科组)二等奖1项。目前,为ISA Transactions等国际期刊的审稿专家。
[1] Zhao Y, Chang L, Dai J, Jiang H, Wang H. Multiresolution nonsynchronous entropy: Measurement approach for synchronous series analysis and feature extraction of rotating machinery [J]. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2024;181:114680.
[2] Zhao Y, Adjallah KH, Sava A, Chang L, Xu L, Chen Y. Digital synchronous decomposition and period-N bifurcation size identification in dynamic systems: application to a milling process [J]. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2023;173:113714.
[3] Zhao Y, Adjallah KH, Sava A, Wang Z. Incipient chatter fast and reliable detection method in high-speed milling process based on cumulative strategy [J]. ISA Trans 2022;131:397–414.
[4] Zhao Y, Adjallah KH, Sava A. Influence of Sampling Frequency Ratio on Mode Mixing Alleviation Performance : A Comparative Study of Four Noise-Assisted Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithms [J]. Machines 2021;9:315.
[5] Zhao Y, Adjallah KH, Sava A, Wang Z. MaxEnt feature-based reliability model method for real-time detection of early chatter in high-speed milling [J]. ISA Trans 2021;113:39–51.
联系方式:(Email: zhaoyanqing@hyit.edu.cn, 电话: 18752430086)